Maine High Adventure Staff Association

Maine High Adventure Staff Association (MHASA)

The association was formed for two purposes:

1) To promote communication among the membership.

2) To assist and promote the Maine High Adventure Program. 

The Organization exists as a non-profit organization organized under the laws of the State of Maine consistent with section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code at the time of incorporation. Any person who served a complete season as a staff member of Maine National High Adventure Area or Maine High Adventure are automatically members.

Our publication, the Moose Call, is published four times a year and mailed or emailed to members. Copies of past Moose Calls can be seen on the Moose Calls page.

Portions of this website are password protected for access by members only. If you are a member and want to get the username/password for the rest of the site, please contact the webmaster.

For Information about the Maine High Adventure Program:



Call 207-949-5260